Children love playing games, if you want a young child to do something is can work best if you make it fun. For example, to clean up toys my go to games are speed cleaning up where the children race to clean up toys as fast as they can. A great game to play is hide and seek clean up where I would name a toy or loaction of a toy to clean up and the children to find it are so proud when they find it. Another favorite game is about naming a color and have a children clean up the toys with that same color, this also can help the children learn more about thier colors. You know your children better than anyone so create games that you know your children will like or modify games you all ready know to tasks more fun for everyone.
When children are young some of them love helping with chore tasks like cleaning the table, sweeping, and more so you can ask your child if they want to help you. At school, the about 1 1/2 to 2 year olds some of them are so excited to help clean the table, wipe down different items like toys with wipes or soap/water mixtures. Give them tasks that are safe for them while still helping you, they can even help you with the cooking or pretend cooking. You can even make public place more fun like shopping by creating little games or allowing the child to explore the different edible items you are buying.
Every child is different so their is no guarantee that these strategies will work for your child. I would love to know your strategies for getting your child excited to do something, if these strategies work for you, or if they do not work so we can try to find one that will.